Full Time 8am - 6pm Monday - Friday
Full Day 8am - 6pm
Morning 8am - 1pm
Afternoon 1pm - 6pm
Before your child starts Straylands Day Nursery we offer 3 FREE sessions for your child to settle in and to help you and your child feel familiar with the environment. This gives you an opportunity to talk to staff about your child and for our staff to learn a bit more about your child.
There is a non-refundable Registration Fee to secure your child's place of £200, £175 of this fee will be credited to your first invoice. Fees are based on 52 weeks per year, fees are to be paid monthly in advance. No refunds will be given for sickness or holidays. The nursery will be closed on all Bank Holidays (normal charges still apply)
Please feel free to call us at anytime to discuss your child's placement, fees, requirements, daily routine or dietary needs.
Alternatively Please click below to download our enrolment form then either bring it into our nursery or post it to:
Straylands Day Nursery, Fairfield, Malton Road, York YO31 9LT
Our forms are in PDF Format.Download to your PC then print them off.
We can also offer advice on claiming family tax credit and childcare vouchers that can be purchased in most workplaces